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How to Learn About React.js Documentation in Only 10 Days

react documentation

React.js is an elegant JavaScript store that can be used to create user interfaces. Because of its versatility, efficiency, and ease of use, it has achieved enormous appeal in the web development world. One of the most important abilities for any React.js developer is the ability to navigate and comprehend the React.js documentation. In this blog article, we will lay out a 10-day schedule to help you learn the documentation for React.js and become a more skilled React developer.

Day 1: Getting Started

1.1 Set Up Your Development Environment

  • Install Node.js as well as the npm (Node Package Manager).
  • Use create-react-app or any boilerplate of your choice to create a new React application.

1.2 Familiarize Yourself with the Official React Website

  • Visit the official React.js website. (
  • Examine the introduction substance and make a note of key concepts such as components, JSX, and properties.

Day 2: Components and JSX

2.1 Dives into Components

  • Understand the fundamentals of React components.
  • Study the distinction between functional and class components.

2.2 JSX (JavaScript XML)

  • Understand the JSX syntax, which allows you to construct HTML-like JavaScript code.
  • Experiment with JSX elements and components.

Day 3: Props and State

3.1 Props (Properties)

  • Learn how to use props to transmit data from parent to child components.
  • In your components, practice passing and receiving props.

3.2 State

  • Study what component state is and how it enables dynamic UI updates.
  • Create a basic component that manages data using state.

Day 4: Component Lifecycle

4.1 Lifecycle Methods

  • Understand the component lifecycle and methods like componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate.
  • Learn when and how to use these techniques effectively.

Day 5: Handling Events

5.1 Event Handling

  • Study how React components handle events.
  • Use event handlers to create interactive components.

Day 6: Hooks

6.1 Introduction to Hooks

  • Study about React Hooks, a more modern approach to handling state and side effects.
  • Start with the useState and useEffect hooks.

Day 7: Routing

7.1 Routing with React Router

  • To allow client-side routing, incorporate React Router into your application.
  • Make several pages and move between them.

Day 8: Forms and User Input

8.1 Building Forms

  • Learn how to create forms in React.
  • Form submissions and input validation are handled.

Day 9: Managing Global State

9.1 Context API

  • Look into using React’s Context API to manage global state.
  • Create a basic global state management system.

Day 10: Advanced Topics and Resources

10.1 Dive Deeper

  • Advanced topics covered include Redux, React speed optimization, and server-side rendering.
  • For further information, consult the React manual and other online resources.

10.2 Build a Project

Build a simple React application or improve an existing one to put what you’ve learnt into practice.


If you follow this systematic method, you are able to master React.js documentation in just 10 days. Remember that React is a versatile library with a large ecosystem, thus practice and continual learning are crucial for becoming a professional React developer. Your comprehension of React will improve as you acquire experience and handle increasingly difficult projects, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a React.js expert. Have happy coding!

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