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Hire Nextjs Developers

Nextjs Application

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Software Development Company

You can hire Next.js developers from us to build powerful server-side apps paired with any front-end framework you desire. We have dedicated Next.js developers who are skilled in building Restful APIs and developing static web applications using Next.js.

Next Js Development

Provide cross-platform functionality with a multi-platform web application built using HTML5.

Nextjs Application

With our Hire NextJS development services, you retain complete control over your technical resources throughout the development process. “ We offer services to hire NextJS developers & NextJS developers to develop custom NextJS web app development product.”

Hire Next.JS

Vue js App Development

You’ll work with a project manager who regularly communicates where the projects are at and keeps things on schedule. No surprises.

Angular JS


Hire NextJS developers with expertise in delivering scalable applications that are robust, maintainable, and adaptive to additional features.

Angular.JS Development Service


Experienced NextJS developers offer end-to-end services right from consulting, development, upgrade, and migration to maintenance.

Angular.JS Design


From framework design to architecture, we have the expertise to assist enterprises seeking maximum benefit from frameworks.

Angular.JS Maintenance & Support

Maintenance & Support

Skilled NextJS developers for hire to develop full-featured, scalable business applications.

Internet Rich
Application Development

Provide NextJS development services to help clients develop rich internet applications that meet specific business needs.


Custome Widgets

Our team specializes in developing built-in reusable widgets with custom Next components for streamlined performance and functionality.

Our Expertise

We use iOS technology as the catalyst to transform and take the next step in the digital journey.

IOT and

We provide advanced Audio/Video call solutions using WebRTC framework, as well as experience with 3rd Party Calling Services like TokBox.


We have experience with e-commerce and have knowledge of Payment Gateways, such as PayPal, Stripe, and


Our team of experts provides advanced audio and video call solutions using WebRTC frameworks, as well as expertise with 3rd Party Calling Services like TokBox.

Chat Apps

With over 10 years of experience developing iOS apps, we specialize in creating apps that use XMPP, Firebase, WebSocket, and 3rd Party SDKs.

Video Editing

Our customers expect exemplary Video Development & impressive Animation work when they hire us.

Travel and

A fully automated migration involves the conversion of legacy code and data to modern solutions, enabling hospitality organisations to adopt modernisation initiatives well aligned to their business objectives.

Our Work

Building Custom Component Development with Kotlin

It means you get to work with a team for competitive prices but with the ease and high standards of an in-house design team.


Building On-Demand
Services App.

React Native App
Kotlin mobile Application Development
Green Square Dots

Online store for selling
products of different
categories to local people.

Angular js
MySquard | Partner Deshbord

Building Partner dashboard
for order, Payment, Employee
Management system on IOS,
Ipad, Web.

Angular js
Assign vendor
Green Square Dots

We have
Worked with

Technology solutions to overcome the unique
challenges and generate value for businesses
in different industries.

Travel & Hospitality

Travel &

We help travel agencies, hospitality providers, travelers, and airlines leverage technology advancements.

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Education & E-learning Mobile App

Education &

Management System, School Management System, Online Examination Platform and More…

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Transport & Logistics

Transport &

Solutions for transportation management, warehouse management, dispatch management, and more…

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Swift Mobile App for Media & Entertainment

Media &

Applications for booking parties, social networking apps, news portals and more…

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taxi booking app

Booking app

Taxi Business apps, Taxi Business for Corporations, Car Rental apps, Air Taxi apps

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On demand food delivery app

Food Delivery

I recommend launching your on-demand delivery app now. We have built several apps in this field.

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Fitness app development company

Fitness App

Nutrition and Diet apps, Workout and Personal Trainer apps, Meditation and Yoga apps, Activity tracking apps.

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market place app development


IT services India offers a marketplace solution that lets you create a fully customised marketplace with the…..

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real estate mobile app

Real estate

Grow your real estate business with a custom digital solution built by IT Services India experts.

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Key Differentiators of Hiring NextJS Developers from IT Services India

Our team of NextJS developers augments capabilities in areas related to strategy, consulting, development and maintenance.

Security &

In order to protect critical project information and ensure confidentiality, an NDA agreement is required. Our business is completely confidential, so we strictly abide by NDA terms.


IT Services India guarantees quick time-to-market and fast delivery of projects by implementing industry best practices.

Quality Assurance

Leaving software bugs to us means you won’t have to deal with them, so we work tirelessly behind the scenes to catch them all.


We adopt a consultative approach to deliver winning products and services based on your business requirements and define a roadmap to reach the desired goal.



What is Next.js?

SSR and SSG web applications can be built with Next.js, a popular React framework. It provides an easy-to-use development experience with built-in features such as routing, server-side rendering, and automatic code splitting.

Why should I use Next.js?

Next.js offers several advantages for web development, including improved performance through server-side rendering; faster page loads with automatic code splitting, and simplified routing. It also provides great developer experience with features like hot module replacement and built-in TypeScript support.

Is Next.js only for React?

Yes, Next.js is primarily built for React applications. It leverages React’s component-based architecture and adds additional features for server-side rendering and static site generation. If you’re not using React, Next.js might not be the best fit for your project.

How do I set up a Next.js project?

To set up a Next.js project, you can start by installing Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) on your machine. Then, use the npx create-next-app command or a similar setup tool to generate a new Next.js project. All the necessary files and dependencies will be created by this method.

Can I use Next.js with TypeScript?

Yes, Next.js has excellent support for TypeScript out of the box. When setting up a new Next.js project, you can choose to enable TypeScript, which will automatically configure the necessary files and dependencies. TypeScript provides static typing and improved tooling, making it easier to catch errors during development.

What is server-side rendering (SSR) in Next.js?

Server-side rendering in Next.js means that the initial rendering of a page happens on the server before sending it to the client’s browser. This allows search engines to crawl and index the content and improves performance by sending pre-rendered HTML to the client. Next.js handles the server-side rendering for you, making it easy to create SSR-enabled pages.

What is static site generation (SSG) in Next.js?

Static site generation in Next.js involves pre-rendering all the pages at build time and serving them as static HTML files. This approach offers the benefits of fast page loads and better search engine optimization (SEO) while still allowing dynamic data fetching. With Next.js, you can choose between SSR and SSG based on your project’s needs.

Can I deploy Next.js applications on different platforms?

Yes, Next.js applications can be deployed on various platforms, including popular cloud providers like Vercel, Netlify, and AWS. Next.js provides a seamless deployment experience with built-in support for serverless functions and static site hosting. You can choose the platform that best suits your requirements and deploy your Next.js app with a few simple steps.

Does Next.js support API routes?

Yes, Next.js has built-in support for creating API routes. You can define serverless functions inside the /pages/api directory, and Next.js will automatically handle the routing for you. These API routes can be used to handle backend logic, communicate with databases, or integrate with external services.

Can I use CSS frameworks with Next.js?

Yes, Next.js allows you to use any CSS framework of your choice. You can import CSS files or use CSS-in-JS solutions like styled-components or CSS modules. Additionally, Next.js provides built-in support for CSS and Sass, allowing you to easily import stylesheets and styles.

How can I handle authentication in Next.js?

Next.js doesn’t enforce any specific authentication library, but you can use popular solutions like NextAuth.js, Auth0, or Firebase for handling authentication in your Next.js applications. These libraries provide ready-to-use authentication components and handle the authentication flow, including user registration, login, and session management.

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We’re a team of creative who are excited about unique ideas and helping fin-tech. Our goal is to help fin-tech companies design top-of-the-line user interfaces and user experiences.