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Moneyplant High Street,Jagatpur Road,SG highway

Triad MLS

This public MLS portal is available to consumers across the
Triad and anywhere else in the world with the best source
of local home information and is brought to you by all the
REALTOR members.

Platform developed for real estate Renting, Buying, Selling and
Property Brokers or Agents.

Tried Listing Services featuring listings from participating agents
and offices. The Multiple Listing Service is a neutral place
where real estate professionals collaborate based on shared
rules and reliable data.

Agents representing home sellers share those properties on the
Multiple Listing Service. The Multiple Listing Service collects
that information in a secure system governed by agreed-upon
rules and standards.

It is then used by many people, in many ways…Marketing and
advertising, Local home search, Supporting buyers ( Buyers’
agents use it to find and share with their clients, and to generate
market analyses based on historical data.)

Open Project