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Moneyplant High Street,Jagatpur Road,SG highway

Taxi Booking App Development Company

We develop taxi booking apps that cater to both end-user and industry needs. This is why our apps are so popular with our customers and users.

Taxi App Development

Powerful Features Of A Powerful Taxi Booking App Development

A clear understanding of what a taxi booking app will look like before development is crucial.
Here is a list of the features we consider essential for our apps.

Taxi Business App

From automated invoice management to a user-friendly bookings system – our team of professional developers will design a mobile application that matches your business needs.

Taxi Business for Corporations

Are you looking to expand your taxi business? Are you sick of an unstable schedule? Want to automate it? Let’s develop a taxi ordering application that will simplify your life and make your customers’ lives easier.

Car Rental

When you own a car fleet and want to improve the efficiency of your business, you may need an app that will let you manage and track your invoices, bookings, and car fleet.

Air Taxi

Our unique software solution will help you launch your airplane taxi business. With a personal application, you’ll be able to offer chartered air service at the click of a button and reach new heights.

Uber-Like Taxi App

In this model, your app will serve as an aggregator. You will be paid a commission per ride, the customer books. It is among the best taxi booking models.

Powerful Features of A Powerful Taxi Booking App Development

Rider Features

A simple registration form
A simple registration form

To make it user-friendly, the registration form should have the minimum details as no users want to spend much time completing the registration process.

Selecting the type of car
Selecting the type of car

Users can pick a vehicle based on a variety of factors such as the number of riders, price, and special requests.

Selecting the destination point
Selecting the destination point

Many people use taxi services every day. If you fall into this category, there is a feature that lets you save the destination so they don’t have to type the same address every time.

Multiple stops
Multiple stops

If you add this feature to your app, then your users will be more comfortable on their trips and your app will be more user-friendly.

Driver Verification
Driver Verification

As soon as the user is matched with a driver, he will be able to see the driver’s name, vehicle license number, photo, and rating, so he will know ahead of time who will pick him up.

Estimated Time of Arrival
Estimated Time of Arrival

Based on the GPS tracking system, the user can receive information such as the car’s number and the driver’s contact information after booking a ride.

Driver Features

The option to accept/reject the ride
The option to accept/reject the ride

As soon as the driver receives the request, he or she can review the details of a ride. If the driver finds it appropriate, he or she can accept or reject this ride. Additionally, there needs to be a set period of time to make a final decision.

Status update
Status update

If the driver accepts or rejects the ride, reaches the final destination, and drops off the passenger, the ride status should be updated.

Real-time navigation
Real-time navigation

Here’s a possible scenario: Having accepted the ride, our app will navigate the driver to the rider’s location and then to the destination point.

Rating and review
Rating and review

Within minutes of the trip’s end, riders can provide personalized feedback to drivers. Drivers, in turn, can provide feedback to riders.

Driver Dashboard
Driver Dashboard

With the driver dashboard, drivers can access various types of information, such as upcoming or past trips, money earned by the driver, and so on.

Multiple vehicles option
Multiple vehicles option

Whenever a driver has a few vehicles, he can add them all to his vehicle list. When he logs on, he can choose which vehicle he wants to drive that day. In this way, he will receive requests and payments.

Admin Dashboard

Admin Dashboard
Admin Dashboard

Taxi booking app development company pays particular attention to the admin dashboard. It provides a wide range of functionality, including commissions, fares, checking the number of drivers, and checking trip details.

System’s management
System’s management

You can add new drivers to the admin panel, or remove old ones, modify payment and commission rates, and manage the fleet, and customers as well.

Customers feedback
Customers feedback

Having the ability to review your customers’ feedback, such as reports, ratings, and so on, is a powerful way to understand their final needs.

Trips management
Trips management

You will be able to see all details about each trip as an admin. This will mean that you’ll know which taxi is going where and the details about the charge.

Fare Management
Fare Management

You can automate the process of invoice management using this feature. You just need to enter all the fare parameters, such as waiting time and distance, into the fare calculation.

CMS Content Management
CMS Content Management

It’s up to you to change or set the SMTP settings, SM templates, payment gateways, social networking sites, and so on. It’s your decision as you’re taking the wheel.


Quick and neat,
just like your work.

So how does it work? Let’s check our Getting Started.

Our Work

Building Custom Mobile Application Development with JavaScript

Revolutionize transportation with our Taxi Booking App Development Service. We create user-friendly, efficient, and customized solutions to elevate your taxi business.


Building On-Demand
Services App.

React JS
Green Square Dots
HoookedUP | ActON

Building short mobile video.
App in Android Native in
Kotlin & developing
component for iOS and
android Camera features.

Swift App
Green Square Dots

We have
Worked with

Technology solutions to overcome the unique
challenges and generate value for businesses
in different industries.

Travel & Hospitality

Travel &

We help travel agencies, hospitality providers, travelers, and airlines leverage technology advancements.

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Education & E-learning Mobile App

Education &

Management System, School Management System, Online Examination Platform and More…

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Transport & Logistics

Transport &

Solutions for transportation management, warehouse management, dispatch management, and more…

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Swift Mobile App for Media & Entertainment

Media &

Applications for booking parties, social networking apps, news portals and more…

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taxi booking app

Booking app

Taxi Business apps, Taxi Business for Corporations, Car Rental apps, Air Taxi apps

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On demand food delivery app

Food Delivery

I recommend launching your on-demand delivery app now. We have built several apps in this field.

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Fitness app development company

Fitness App

Nutrition and Diet apps, Workout and Personal Trainer apps, Meditation and Yoga apps, Activity tracking apps.

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market place app development


IT services India offers a marketplace solution that lets you create a fully customised marketplace with the…..

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real estate mobile app

Real estate

Grow your real estate business with a custom digital solution built by IT Services India experts.

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    Creating brands and digital platforms
with human experience at heart.     

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What services does your company provide?

Our company specializes in the development of taxi booking applications for various platforms such as iOS, Android, and web. We provide end-to-end solutions, including app design, development, testing, deployment, and ongoing maintenance and support.

What are the key features of a typical taxi booking application?

Our taxi booking applications typically include features such as real-time GPS tracking, secure payment integration, driver and passenger profiles, trip history, fare calculation, ride cancellation, push notifications, ratings and reviews, and customer support functionality.

Do you develop custom applications or use pre-built templates?

We develop custom taxi booking applications tailored to the specific needs and requirements of our clients. While we leverage our expertise and experience, we do not use pre-built templates as each application is designed and developed from scratch.

How long does it take to develop a taxi booking application?

The complexity of the application and the particular needs can affect the development schedule. Generally, it takes several weeks to a few months to develop a high-quality, fully functional taxi booking application.

Can you integrate third-party services into the application?

Yes, we can integrate various third-party services into the application, such as payment gateways, mapping and navigation services, SMS gateways for notifications, and other relevant APIs based on your requirements.

Can you develop a taxi booking application for multiple cities or regions?

Absolutely! Our applications can be designed to support multiple cities or regions, allowing users to book rides in different locations based on their preferences.

What technologies do you use for app development?

We utilize the latest technologies and frameworks for app development, including but not limited to Swift and Objective-C for iOS, Kotlin and Java for Android, and React Native or Flutter for cross-platform development. Our backend development is typically done using technologies like Node.js or Ruby on Rails.

After the application is out, do you offer continuing support and upkeep?

Yes, we offer post-launch support and maintenance services to ensure the smooth operation of your taxi booking application. Our team can handle bug fixes, updates, feature enhancements, server maintenance, and any necessary technical support.

Can you assist with app store submission and deployment?

Absolutely! We can guide you through the app submission process for both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Our team has experience with the submission requirements and can assist you in preparing and submitting your application for review.

How do I get started with developing a taxi booking application with your company?

To get started, please reach out to us via our contact page or email. Our team will be happy to discuss your requirements, provide a detailed proposal, and guide you through the development process.

Please note that the above answers are general in nature, and for more specific information related to your project, we recommend contacting us directly.

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