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Moneyplant High Street,Jagatpur Road,SG highway

The Salad Project

Creating salad perfection with mixology.

Client : The Salad Project

Industry : Food Delivery


A name that stood out in a crowded market. Carefully thought out branding was the key. Unique communications design will boost footfall, an entirely new experience will linger with them long after they’ve left, and hopefully keep them coming back. To stand out in a crowded marketplace, Salad Project had to make sure their concept stood out, inviting customers to try something a little different.


A sleek and modern finish was designed to enhance the bright, organic colourful chaos inside each salad bowl. Taking our sole inspiration from the ingredients used by the guys, the constant organic themes combine with kitchen sharp type to create an intriguing and trustworthy aesthetic.

Only organic please

Carrot orange, Green Bean and plenty of cabbage to beet! Welcome to ‘The Vegetarium’.

Msu Green




Black Bean


Neon Carrot




Cabbage Pa-ckaging

Cutting into a purple cabbage is quite a feast for the eyes, and so takes pride of place throughout the restaurant collateral and marketing materials.


As ITserviceus customers from day one, we were supported by developers who understood our requirements and made an extra effort to highlight all possible weaknesses and soft spots.

Paul Geoffrion

Ohio Carbon Blank, Inc

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The Salad Project

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